Who i am

I currently smell like a sheep.
Yes ill note that first. :)
I randomly say strange things.
I say what comes to my mind.
I dont try to filter too hard.
I believe first thoughts are training, second thoughts are who we are.
I cuss like a sailor, and tell everyone. I dont censor myself too well.  And guess what, my kids dont cuss.
Oh kids, i have 5. Yes i know what causes it, yes im busy, yes im tired. Yes they eat a lot, and yes they are all mine lol!
I have four boys and a girl, Ranging from 13 to 3. This will change starting in a month. The ages go up. Fast in summer!
Im married. Have been for 13 years. And i thought my longest relationship of 2 years was a long time ( WAY WAY WAY back in the day) now i just tune out years and days haha. So it surprises me every time i add it up. Married for 13 years, together for 15. Crazypants im telling you. Me.
Im pagan. Heathen, Goddess, earth worshipping hippie. Yep thats me. I dont have a problem with your religion as long as you dont have a problem with mine!
Im most alive in the summer. Hard when winter is from September to April! Well September and April are transition to the other season months but still. I spend months inside cooped up vampire like. And then our few precious months in the sun.
Oh and we live in Alaska. In a little cabin in the woods.
I raise and breed Angora Rabbits!! They are so cool! Expect pictures, Or not, whatever works. I love them!
Im a photographer. I specialize in portraits with a fairy tale feel. See a theme yet?
I suffer from anxiety and depression. Its a life long battle. I have a host of issues that come from it.
I also have autoimmune thyroid disease. It makes me tired. A lot. Very tired. I can sleep 14 plus hours a day if my 5 kids would let me. Which they dont. I nap a lot.
I live off wildflowers and dandelions.
I love to blow bubbles and listen to the birds.
Rainbow is my favorite color.
Not a dog person, but i love cats and parrots. I have  2 cats, No parrots, 2 dogs though.
I love farmers markets and fresh fruits and veggies. I plant my own seeing we have 3 acres. Strawberries rock my world.
I dont drink alcohol. Not a fan, never have been. Never drank more then a shot in my life.
Im a spinner, a knitter, a crocheter, an animal lover, a mother, a wife, a person.

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